
Contact us

Harbingers’ Magazine is published by the Oxford School for the Future of Journalism.

For queries related to the editorial line of the magazine, please email us at hello[at]hrbmagazine.com. We monitor this address to the best of our ability, but please allow ten working days before emailing us again.

At the moment, we do not accept external contributions. If you would like to see your story published in Harbingers’ Magazine, the best option is to participate in the Harbinger Prize 2024 competition.

If you are a student, a parent, or a representative of an institution interested in collaboration with Harbingers’ Magazine, we kindly ask you to contact the Oxford School for the Future of Journalism, which handles all non-editorial queries.


The Oxford School for the Future of Journalism

+44 (0) 1865 60 21 46

266 Banbury Road | Office 14
Oxford OX2 7DL | United Kingdom

Please note that the OXSFJ and Harbingers’ Magazine are fully digital organisations. Effectively, we do not hold a permanent office, and the abovementioned address is for correspondence only.